Friday, October 15, 2010

To bliss or Not to Bliss

Ask most people what they want out of life and the answer is simple... To be HAPPY. Maybe its this expectation though, of wanting to be happy, that just keeps us from ever getting there.. Maybe the more we try and will ourselves to states of bliss the more confused we get... To the point where we don't recognize ourselves.. instead we just smile trying like hell to be the happy people we wished we were,until eventually it hits us, its been there all along.. not in our dreams or hopes but in the known the comfortable the familiar. - Grey's Anatomy.

I am sure that most of us are either familiar or have heard of "Greys Anatomy" which by the way is a very good show.. Tune in!

I don't recall what episode I got this from but I realized that at the end of the day we all want to be HAPPY. Sometimes we do try so hard that we fail to realize that we were already happy that we didn't have to change anything and that by changing we toyed with our happiness. Being happy is a state of mind it isn't something that we can define objectively. I guess this is where the famous saying "money won't buy you happiness" comes which is true for most (I think), I personally don't think that money would bring me happiness, but that's just me!
While we waste our time figuring out how to be happy or why are we unhappy we don't realize that we have been happy all along. What makes us happy is the familiar, our sense of comfort, our health our family and friends... But we have this notion that objects are the equivalent to happiness when in reality we know that they won't keep us happy for long..

-To be continued-

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